Hassan Al Hariri
PR. Brand Specialist, Marketeer

Oct 13, 1989 - Mar 12, 2018

Hassan was the Co-Founder of Dust for Experience Design and a PR Officer at Ahlia University, Bahrain. He is highly energetic and motivated with a strong belief in the importance of working towards developing the society we live in. He actively engages in marketing, events management and PR activities. He possesses excellent people skills which have helped in establishing a large networking platform.

Hassan Al Hariri

PR. Brand Specialist, Marketeer

Sara Abdulla
Architect, Creative, Designer

Sara is the Co-Founder of Dust for Experience Design, Development Manager at AlMawred Education, Head of Darayesh, the Architecture Initiative powered by the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities, and Co-Founder of In Narrative. With a background in Architecture and Project Management, Sara actively engages in promoting architecture as an inclusive discipline, through creating collaborative spaces, experience design, workshops and events. Sara is also the RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) country representative in Bahrain.

Sara Abdulla

Architect, Creative, Designer